Part of the "Making of America" series, this map of the Atlantic Gateways is Side Two of a two-map set. Published in March 1983, this work features an abundance of historical information about the central region of the eastern seaboard including New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, Rhode Island, northern Virginia, and southern Massachusetts. The 1983 Atlantic Gateways map Side 2 features: • An introduction and historical overview • The Indians and Trade map (1600-1760) showing tribes, paths, migrations, forts, and explorers' routes • A map detailing immigration to the region including the ethnicities of early settlements and the influx of other ethnicities post 1830 • The Race to the Hinterlands map from 1800-1840 showing movement corridors, canals, railroads, and roads • A map detailing the growth of industry from 1840-1910 which includes iron and steel centers, coal, manufacturing centers, and more • A map of urban expansion in the region from 1945 to present • Colorful illustrations
Coverage Area: New York, Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, West Virginia, Virginia, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, southern Massachusetts, southern Ontario